
Reimagining Collaboration

"This program is for anyone who participates in collective processes. Whether you are new to collaboration or a seasoned facilitator, it's a unique opportunity to learn, practice and build community at the same time."

Reimagining Collaboration participant


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Two women and a man sit on chairs in a group together talking during a Reimagining Collaboration training
A group of Reimagining Collaboration participants walk around the room in a circular conga line

How we work together matters. We all have stories of difficult collaborations: endless meetings, draining partnerships, strained relationships. When we get stuck, we miss opportunities to spark meaningful change. In our work for social and climate justice we need the skills to have hard conversations, work with multiple perspectives, and find ways to move forward together.

In this program, we explore how to shape more transformative collaborations. We focus on deepening our self-awareness and developing the abilities to work creatively, intentionally, and whole-heartedly with the complexity of groups. 

Whether you lead meetings, hold space for multi-stakeholder gatherings or movements, or participate in team or community processes, this program is for you.


What to expect

We’ll help you harness your unique gifts as a facilitator. Join a global cohort of changemakers to:

  • Develop a deeper awareness of your own habits and patterns when collaborating, including strengths and areas to work on

  • Practice techniques for working with multiple perspectives, storytelling, and conflict and tension in a group

  • Explore strategies for staying open and connected in collective spaces by recognizing your somatic responses

  • Build confidence recognizing and responding to what a group needs, both in the moment and through design

  • Apply your learning through role plays and facilitation exercises

  • Identify and work towards specific developmental goals with the support of a coach and a small group of peers

  • Connect and learn with a supportive global community that understands your context and shares similar challenges

  • Access a digital portfolio of resources, tools, and practices you can adapt to your unique context

Our Reimagining Collaboration programs

Practice with participants from around the world by joining one of our public programs, or get in touch
if you're looking for more tailored support for your team.

Two female executives exchanging perspectives in facilitation and collaboration dynamics
Upcoming public programs
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Woman participating in the Reimagining Collaboration program, sitting on the floor in a butterfly position, exchanging opinions
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Collaboration journeys

Want to understand how our Reimagining Collaboration program works in practice? Check out what our clients have to say as well as these impact stories from our partners. You can find more details on our impact here.

Fostering Human Connection and Systems Change
Fostering Human Connection and Systems Change
Slowing Down for Greater Impact
Slowing Down for Greater Impact
Ignited: Karen Janssens on slowing down, listening, and being present.
Ignited: Karen Janssens on slowing down, listening, and being present.


After participating in this program, I realized I can embrace facilitation as a critical ability to support everything I do. It's not just about organizing or hosting meetings. It's about expanding our capacity to see, listen and sense people, both individually and collectively, and have clarity about shared goals, tensions, polarities, being able to hold the space for what emerges with awareness and flexibility.

This is an important training that brings the soul into facilitation, and we can all agree more soul is always welcome. Amazing.

This training will be instrumental to my daily work and facilitation roles, I learnt a lot about the topic and, through this, also about myself. What was especially positive is how we could try to put the learning into practice immediately and how knowledgeable and approachable/relatable each of the facilitators were.

I feel now like I can practice letting go of imperfection and carry a spirit of trying things on. I am still just as scared/nervous about stepping into this facilitator self, but in connecting with this group, I feel like I owe it to myself to do it anyway.

I feel good and calmer. I felt a shift in my nervous system altogether and trust that I am on the right path, not just because of the session, but also having met incredible people that share my path as well.

I feel really energized and a lot more equipped to facilitate now. I just feel a lot more secure in the facilitation knowledge and muscles I already have and use comfortably, and a much more clear understanding of areas I need to work on and tangible methods and activities to put those skills into practice.

Reimagining Collaboration participant
Lynette Doreen Aluoch, UHAI EASHRI
Reimagining Collaboration participant
Reimagining Collaboration participant
Reimagining Collaboration participant
Reimagining Collaboration participant
Spring group in Collaboration program very happy taking a selfie
Collaboration Program Participant Sharing Perspectives with Co-CEO Ellen
Man participating in the Collaboration program genuinely happy, smiling and actively participating in the dynamics
Group dance dynamics within a circle of people from the Collaboration program
Circle of excited women actively participating in the dynamics of the Collaboration program
Participants of the Collaboration program, sitting on the floor forming a circle, happily participating in the facilitation dynamics, are seen smiling
Two excited executive women actively sharing opinions in Collaboration program dynamics
CollaborationWoman holding a microphone sharing her views in a calm and engaged manner in the Collaboration program
Group of people sitting on the floor, in the center you can see some yellow cards, many smiles and integration