
Financial Innovation & Resilience

Where: Zoom

Intensive dates: September 17-18-19, 2024

Accompaniment dates: October 16, November 13, December 4, January 16


Two excited women actively participating in the dynamics of the FIRE program

What to expect

Unlock the confidence you need to build financial strength. In September 2024, we are offering our virtual FIRE Fundamentals program, a 4-month long dynamic and interactive learning journey for developing essential capacities for building greater, mission-aligned financial strength.

Organizations and networks around the world working to advance social and climate justice face a volatile and rapidly changing political and funding landscape. The work is complex and the need to adequately resource is ever-present. 

What if you and your leadership team could: 

  • Bring the same resilience to building financial strength as you bring to programming?
  • Use a creative, entrepreneurial approach to grow your base of supporters?
  • Gain new perspectives on money to inform your strategies?
  • Employ user-friendly financial health indicators in decision-making?

Spring has collaborated with funders and organizations around the world to build organizational resilience, making sure that social change actors have the strategic finance plans in place to build a better world. Clients and partners include the Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation and their grantees ... and many more!

Scroll down for more details about this virtual September 2024 training.

  • Build a new toolbox that you can apply to your work immediately.

  • Form a customized action plan informed by clinics and consultation.

  • Create a budgeting strategy that projects and captures income, costs and full cost recovery.

  • Explore a user-friendly dashboard of key financial health indicators that can be easily absorbed by your staff and board.

  • Learn a creative, entrepreneurial approach to growing and strengthening your base of supporters through all your communications channels.

  • Gain invaluable knowledge for shaping engagement with funders leading to both transactional and transformational relationships.
  • Discover a fresh capacity to respond to changes in the funding and financing landscape.

Program Overview

Since 2012, Spring's Financial Innovation & Resilience program has supported leadership teams from close to 400 social and climate justice organizations in over 54 countries. It is infused with experiences from organizations dealing with shrinking civic space as well as those working under more favourable circumstances, offering a rare opportunity to gain both global and local insights that can be applied in different contexts and organizations. 

Your program will begin with a 3-day virtual intensive, where you will interactively explore and understand four key areas in relation to building financial strength: Funding Landscape, Resource Mobilization, Strategic Finance and Purposeful Communications. Through peer support and cross-learning, you will begin developing a FIRE action plan for your organization or network. 

Following your 3-day virtual intensive, you will continue refining and implementing your action plan with four months of accompaniment in the form of three thematic webinars, three cross-learning sessions with other groups in your cohort, a one-on-one session with a coach and a program completion session. 

A woman speaks into a microphone holding up a

Details in brief

Language of instruction: English

Number of participants: Up to 36 participants

Group composition: Executive directors and senior staff who lead in the areas of finance, resource mobilization and strategic communications, as well as foundation staff providing financial support to these leaders.  

Workshop materials: Multimedia resources including e-modules for self-directed learning, animations, videos, primers, tools and templates via Spring’s FIRE Learning Lab.

Day 1-3

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM ET

Day 4
Strategic Finance

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET

Day 5
Purposeful Communications

11:30 AM - 1:15 PM ET

Day 6
Capital Reserves

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET

Day 7
Keeping Momentum

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM ET


Sliding scale

We work to make our programs as accessible as we can and offer a sliding scale with three tiers of program payment rates. 
When you register below, please choose the fee based on your circumstances.

A group of women stand in a circle having a discussion during a training and participants are all paying attention to a woman in the center with a yellow sweater

We work to make our programs as accessible as we can and offer a sliding scale of program payment rates. When you register below, please choose the fee based on your circumstances.

1. Redistribution Rate: US $2,200

This is for organizations based in the Global North or with an annual budget above US$2 million. It’s also designed for individuals with access to wealth or with an annual income over US$70,000. Payment at this rate covers the costs of the program and allows for a contribution to support the participation of organizations and individuals with less access to wealth.

2. Full Cost Rate: US $1,750

This is for organizations with an annual budget above US$1-2 million. It’s also designed for individuals with an annual income of US$50,000 - US$70,000. 

3. Solidarity Rate: US $875

This is for organizations with an annual budget of under US$1 million. It’s also designed for individuals with an annual income of under US$50,000. Payment at this rate covers 50% of total costs. 

Don’t see an affordable rate? 

If the Solidarity Rate is not affordable to you, please get in touch with us to let us know and we can discuss what might be possible. Please click here for more details on Spring's sliding scale.


Register Now
